Purchase Order should be raised in the name of "Tectona SoftsolutionsPvt. Ltd."(Here in after referred to as TectonaS). You are requested to intimate us of your CST, TIN, PAN, TAN and Service Tax Numbers with your purchase order.
AMC will be charge after 1 Year the AMC will be charge@25% for the value of Purchase Order.
ATU (Annual Technology Up gradation) will be [email protected]%
AWS(Annual Warranty Support)will be [email protected]%.
All disputes are subject to Ahmedabad Jurisdictions and competent court of Ahmedabad will have Jurisdiction.
Installation will be on chargeable basis only. IT Infrastructure will be provided by the customer/client and it should be Virus free and all the clients should have proper network access. All hardware and software resources are required during the installation as per the OwnyIT Online Updater Pre-Requisite.
One Year from the date of Delivery and Invoice. All warranties as per the terms Tectona Standard warranty on OwnyIT, for details please email for a copy on [email protected]
Any onsite support/visit or will be chargeable.
Training on product
Customer can Opt for Training from Tectona, but this will be chargeable.
There will not be any refund for software once this is sold and license keys delivered to the customers.